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Community-wide Activities

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Ferias de Letras
Literary Fair

Actividad anual donde cada niño crea su propio libro, utilizando su creatividad e imaginación únicas.


Annual activity in which each kid creates his or her own book, using his or her unique creativity and imagination.

Talleres con abuelos
Grandparents´ Workshop

Festejo en el Día de los Abuelos, donde se los invita a realizar un taller a beneficio.

We celebrate Grandparents´Day inviting them to take part in a workshop and donate all profits.

Visitas de autores e ilustradores

Visits from writers and illustrators

Visitas de autores e ilustradores que acercan la literatura a los alumnos contando sus experiencias.

Writers and illustrators bring literature closer to our students, talking about their experiences.

Muestras de originales
Art Shows

Muestras de obras originales de ilustradores y autores de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil.

Exhibitions featuring original artwork by illustrators and writers, centered in Children and Teenagers-oriented Literature.

Charlas y conferencias
Panels and Conferences

Conferencias abiertas donde toda la comunidad educativa está invitada a participar.

Open conferences, with the whole educative community invited to attend.

compras colectivas de libros
Collective Purchases of Books

Buscando acercar los libros a los alumnos, se realizan compras colectivas de libros.

Collective purchases of books are an effective way to bring books closer to our students.

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